† The Children of God †
The children

Salome & Wilbur - THE LEADERS;
Noah & LingChao - THE GUITARISTS;

Cellgroup Stuff

Cell Vision: [Matthew 28:18-20] Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

Cell Mission: To be United. [Romans 15:5-6] And to Obey Him[Genesis 50:20-21] By Meditating on His Word[Joshua 1:8]and Trusting in Him[Matthew 4,Proverbs 3:5-6]Through our Love[Mark 12:30],We will be Ambassadors for Christ.[1 Timothy 4:12]

Cell/ Blog Rules: Refer to BELOW.

1. Cell is on EVERY sunday unless Salome/Wilbur tells you otherwise.

2. Please be puntual for cell! 11.10am at Madeline's house. Latecomers will have to pay a fine of $1 every 5 minutes late. Refusal to pay the fine will result in your car getting a wheel clamp xD

3. No walking around during cell time, unless Salome/Wilbur allows.

4. Bring your bible, notebooks, and writing materials every sunday.

5. Bring as many friends as you can to cell, especially on SOS sundays!

6. Give reverence to God at all times.

7. Respect your members. When one is talking, listen.

8. No name-calling, swearing, cursing, fighting, etc.

1. No deleting/editing of your cellmates' posts. Also, strictly NO touching the template. This can only be done by either Salome/Wilbur/Marcus/Dillon.

2. Strictly no vulgarities, or meaningless pictures and videos[No Daniel Choo] in your posts.




Music Playing

From The Inside Out - Hillsongs

Past Miracles

January 2008

Cell Vision: [Matthew 28:18-20] Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

Cell Mission: To be United. [Romans 15:5-6] And to Obey Him[Genesis 50:20-21] By Meditating on His Word[Joshua 1:8]and Trusting in Him[Matthew 4,Proverbs 3:5-6]Through our Love[Mark 12:30],We will be Ambassadors for Christ.[1 Timothy 4:12]

Cell/ Blog Rules: Refer to BELOW.

1. Cell is on EVERY sunday unless Salome/Wilbur tells you otherwise.

2. Please be puntual for cell! 11.10am at Madeline's house. Latecomers will have to pay a fine of $1 every 5 minutes late. Refusal to pay the fine will result in your car getting a wheel clamp xD

3. No walking around during cell time, unless Salome/Wilbur allows.

4. Bring your bible, notebooks, and writing materials every sunday.

5. Bring as many friends as you can to cell, especially on SOS sundays!

6. Give reverence to God at all times.

7. Respect your members. When one is talking, listen.

8. No name-calling, swearing, cursing, fighting, etc.

1. No deleting/editing of your cellmates' posts. Also, strictly NO touching the template. This can only be done by either Salome/Wilbur/Marcus/Dillon.

2. Strictly no vulgarities, or meaningless pictures and videos[No Daniel Choo] in your posts.




Music Playing

From The Inside Out - Hillsongs

Past Miracles

February 2008

Cell Vision: [Matthew 28:18-20] Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

Cell Mission: To be United. [Romans 15:5-6] And to Obey Him[Genesis 50:20-21] By Meditating on His Word[Joshua 1:8]and Trusting in Him[Matthew 4,Proverbs 3:5-6]Through our Love[Mark 12:30],We will be Ambassadors for Christ.[1 Timothy 4:12]

Cell/ Blog Rules: Refer to BELOW.

1. Cell is on EVERY sunday unless Salome/Wilbur tells you otherwise.

2. Please be puntual for cell! 11.10am at Madeline's house. Latecomers will have to pay a fine of $1 every 5 minutes late. Refusal to pay the fine will result in your car getting a wheel clamp xD

3. No walking around during cell time, unless Salome/Wilbur allows.

4. Bring your bible, notebooks, and writing materials every sunday.

5. Bring as many friends as you can to cell, especially on SOS sundays!

6. Give reverence to God at all times.

7. Respect your members. When one is talking, listen.

8. No name-calling, swearing, cursing, fighting, etc.

1. No deleting/editing of your cellmates' posts. Also, strictly NO touching the template. This can only be done by either Salome/Wilbur/Marcus/Dillon.

2. Strictly no vulgarities, or meaningless pictures and videos[No Daniel Choo] in your posts.




Music Playing

From The Inside Out - Hillsongs

Past Miracles

April 2008

Previous Posts

Romans 8: 1 -17 : Life Through The SpiritBefore yo...
Hey guys and girls,i know this blog has been rathe...
How to apply what the Bible says
Hey my beloved members!Happy happy new Year! i hop...
The most depressing day from ling chao
The motivational Christian band Switchfoot from Ca...
noah :D
Quiet-time material


The Boss: God
Church: Lighthouse Evangelism
Blog Creators: Dillon & Marcus
Base Code:OHsaygoodbye

Thursday, April 24, 2008

( @ 11:13 AM )


Lord, the magnitude of Your love never fails to amaze me time and time again. Everyday, it's You I live for. You are the reason for my existence.

Hearing the song: We are the reason -
Lord, we are the reason that You gave Your life, that You suffered and died. To a world that was lost, You gave all You could give, to show us the reason to live. And You are the reason we live.

Since we are to be more like Jesus Christ, we live to walk in His footsteps : To give all that we can give to a world that is lost out there. And we know that the best gift to give is salvation and eternal life, because one can only be truly happy when he/she has a loving relationship with the Creator of the universe. Amen!

Hearing the song: So close -
Lord, i thank You for reminding us that You'll never let anyone of us go. We're so secure, You're always here with us. You stay the same, You love remains here in our hearts! Lord, all along, You were beside each and every one of us, and You continue to pour out Your love on us even when we forsake You, even when we were angry with You, even when we didn't feel any love for You. If it was anyone else, they would have given up on us. But You didn't. You stayed true to Your Word.

Hearing the song: Above all -
How magnificient, how wonderful, how eternally glorious is our Lord! Lord, You are beyond description. Seriously. When You hung on the cross, You thought of me above all?!?! How is it, Lord, that anyone of us even deserve to be thought of by You? Who are we, Lord, that You are mindful of us? Lord, thinking of that really tears my heart apart. You are, no doubt, the humblest of the humble.

Teach me O Lord, to clothe myself in humility and to be obedient to Your calling to the end. You are above all and yet You came to become the least of mankind. The first shall be the last and the last shall be the first. All glory to God!

Hearing the song: My heart, your home -
Lord, come and make my heart Your home. Come and be everything i am and all i know = let me live out the life of Christ and have godly wisdom. Search me through and through everyday and purify my heart, that i may be blameless before God and counted worthy to fulfill the desires of God's heart. Lord, let everything i do open up a door for You to come through, so that my heart will be a place where You wanna be. Lord, let my every action pave a way for Your Name to be glorified and magnified. We ought to grab every opportunity we have in exalting Your Name on high. Lord, help us to discipline oursleves to do as You please. For Your ways are not our ways, and Your thoughts are much higher than our thoughts. You know best and You understand us best, even better than we understand ourselves.

As we draw closer to God, i pray that one day, we will be able to say out Psalm 119:9-16 and mean it with all our hearts.

" 9 How can those who are young keep their way pure?
By living according to your word.
10 I seek you with all my heart;
do not let me stray from your commands.
11 I have hidden your word in my heart
that I might not sin against you.
12 Praise be to you Lord;
teach me your decrees.
13 With my lips I recount
all the laws that come from your mouth.
14 I rejoice in following your statutes
as one rejoices in great riches.
15 I meditate on your precepts
and consider your ways.
16 I delight in your decrees;
I will not neglect your word. "
Psalm 119:9-16
Do u agree with me, or am i the only one who thinks that this psalm depicts a sheer impossible scenario? How is anyone suppose to do that? Well, firstly, in Philippians 4:13, it says, " I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.". So, it's possible, if we rely on God's strength. Secondly, psalm 119:33-40 provides us a glimpse on how we can walk in righteousness.

" Teach me, Lord, the way of your decrees,
that I may follow it to the end.
34 Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law
and obey it with all my heart.
35 Direct me in the path of your commands,
for there i find delight.
36 Turn my heart toward your statutes
and not toward selfish gain.
37 Turn my eyes away from worthless things;
preserve my life according to your word.
38 Fulfill your promise to your servant,
so that you may be feared.
39 Take away the disgrace I dread,
for your laws are good.
40 How I long for your precepts!
In your righteousness preserve my life. "
Psalm 119: 33-40
Pray, ask and desire the following:
1. A mind focused on the pleasing the Lord - that one may follow the Lord's way till the end
2. Understanding - realising that God is in control will allow us to keep His commandments and obey them with all our hearts
3. A clear direction - that you will walk in the path of God's commands and find delight
- i'm sure you're happy when you have a clear direction in life right? Sadly, many are still frantically searching for it, when the answer is right in front of their eyes.
4. A heart that yearns for God's statutes and not selfish gains
- What are selfish gains? simple. things that you THINK would benefit you but place others at a disadvantage-emotionally, physically, mentally, spritually.
For eg. Cheating. When you cheat, you think that it will benefit you because you will obtain a high result. But this places those who have been studying very hard for the paper at many disadvantages - eg. they may lose their motivation to study because the results are the same anyway. You know, just like what Pastor Rony says, you are a stumbling block. Your actions not only closes your entrance to heaven, it also prevents others from going there. Pastor Rony pleads with us, "I pray that none of u will go to heaven and realise that your family, your friends, your relatives and all your other loved ones are not there with you, all because you have been a stumbling block to them. "
Think of all the things you have been doing and reflect on them based on this definition.
5. Eyes that long for God's Word and not worthless things
6. That you will live according to God's promises, so that the fulfillment of His promises will glorify His Name and that others will fear His Name.
7. Last but not least, as you long for God's prcepts, ask God to clothe you with the righteousness of Christ, that you may find grace, refuge and forgiveness when your sinful nature wages a war against your newborn nature.
I guess we've got alot to pray about yarz? so why don't you start right away?
"7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; those who seek find; and to those who knock, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8
May you seek the Lord and find Him!
In His love and mine,